Our team
We keep a small yet capable team who takes ownership of the shared calling, to serve the vested interest of the farmers and to make coffee delicious. Lah and Ying are leading their respective role to actualise circular economy in coffee productions.
Ying’s domain is mill design & fabrication, always fine-tuning and innovating, with a heart to mentor young apprentice.
Lah – humble, knowledgeable in the vital post-harvest processes and committed to care after his mum who lives in the village.
Sam - is devoted to the eventual celebrations of many more farmers, rising to the role of coffee professionals who are going the extra circular mile.
Our Story
The quest to circular coffee production started over ten years ago, motivated by the biblical call to be good stewards of the earth. Since its inception, Bolaven Farms sought to walk humbly in the fear of God, to act justly and to love farmers as neighbors.
The journey is truly humbling with countless set backs and some victories, we are delighted circular economy in coffee is now reachable. Our team is seasoned and stands ready to share these proprietorial technical know-how, for farmers to decisively depart from cherry selling and start making coffee delicious the net zero way.
It is our desire --- to facilitate for one village at a time --- to become circular producers of delicious export graded green coffee.
Conventional bank loans are not readily available for coffee farmers, coffee village needs affordable credits to finance their transition. We earnestly seek for corporate sponsors and impact lenders to collaborate and finance this great transition.
For circular consumption, be it your hotel, restaurant or office, you might be interested in the low energy, low emissions circular coffee brewing at your F&B outlets.
Perhaps these align with your mandates, let’s explore how we could collaborate to achieve your impact goals and celebrate farmers for going circular.
Make it circular
Coffee productions, like many other commodities, are products of the linear economy model, resulting in much waste and pollutant. As an alternative, circular economy model proactively design-out waste & pollutant while design-in protocols for reuse, repurpose & up-cycling, with the endgame of regenerating the ecosystems. A circular economy in coffee production & consumption is proving beneficial for farmers, consumers, cup quality & the environment.
These are some of the components in our efforts to achieve circular coffee production.
Black Soldier Flies (BSF) can significantly reduce the volume of organic waste, and the larvae serve as high-fat, high-protein feed for aquaculture & livestock.
Carbon Sequester
Biochar Heat Exchangers and Gasifiers help off-set any unavoidable GHG emissions with near permanent carbon sink and amend soil organically.
Controlled Dry Fermentation
Designed to avoid wastewater generation, our proprietorial dry fermentation is one vital component to achieve the desired cup quality the net zero way.
Heat Exchange Drying
The weather are less predictable, rains during harvest season is detrimental for quality. We’ve developed solutions to meet these challenges, ensuring the drying process is on track, rain or shine. This includes using caterpillar tunnels and biochar heat exchangers for controlled drying and carbon sink in the soil. Another vital component of making it circular.
We gasify coffee husks to produce wood gas and Biochar. We use wood gas to replace fossil fuel for coffee roasting with Biochar for carbon sink. Yet another component of making it circular by being carbon negative.


Our Mission
Bolaven Farms is championing for circular coffee production and consumption, with coffee farmers stepping up as green coffee producers who are going the extra circular mile.
Our Vision
To serve the vested interest of every coffee village with desire to become professional producer of delicious circlar green coffee.
Our Values
Respect the farmers
Respect the coffee
Respect the environment
We serve two distinct yet interconnected groups: coffee farmers and consumers. Join us to foster a sustainable and beneficial relationship for both parties.
For Coffee Farmers, we offer:
Turnkey Solutions: Coffee villages need not transition all on their own, our team is on site for the first 2 to 3 cropping seasons, building capacity, transfer technical know-how and monitor with fine-tuning.
Income Enhancement: When farmers transitioned successfully to produce 86+ scoring circular green coffee, their earnings could double or even triple compare to cherry sellers.
Socioeconomic Impact: Foster equitable and inclusive socioeconomics for every stakeholders, with a focus on employing youth and women in the coffee village.

For Green Coffee Buyers, we offer:
Origin : Papua New Guinea
Varietal: Arabica
Wet & Dry Mills: Located in Jiwaka & WHP
Altitude: 1,650 to 1,800masl
Screen: 16+, 15- & Peaberry
Sorting: optical & manual sorting to Grade 1
Packing: available in 15/30/60kgs Grainpro on request
Process: mainly Anaerobic Honey & Anaerobic Natural
Harvest: main harvest is March to August, starting from SHP & ending at EHP.
Origin: Lao PDR
Varietal: Robusta & Liberica
Wet & Dry Mills: 22km East of Pakse, toward Paksong
Altitude: 1,000 to 1,300 masl
Screen: 16+, 15- & Peaberry
Sorting: optical & manual sorting to Grade 1
Packing: available in 15/30/60kgs Grainpro on request
Process: mainly Anaerobic Honey & Anaerob Naturals
Harvest: January for Robusta & March for Liberica
For Roasted Coffee Customers, we offer:
Retail: Our Zambra Hand Crafted Coffees are available at CitySuper in HK. Order online via WhatsApp & WeChat Pay +85290995995.
Wholesale: Add circular coffees to your ESG mandates. Be it your hotel, office or restaurant, our delicious circular coffees could be a good fit for you. Whatsapp us at 90995995 or sam@circularcoffee.info for more details.

For Corporate Sponsors & Impact Lenders, we offer:
Finance a coffee village to transition from cherry sellers to a circular producer with loan of USD50,000.
​Qualified village is equipped with Mini Wet Mill & Mini Dry Mill & Heat Exchange Dryers & Capacity Building to become circular green coffee producer.​
Loan repayment in 25 months - in cash or in roasted coffee beans.
​Broadcast your sponsorship by gifting bags of roasted circular coffee to engage your clients.
Zambra has been curating delicious coffees for more than two decades. Our coffees are hand sorted to zero defects and roasted in small batches.
Zambra Hand Crafted Coffees at CitySuper, Hong Kong
Jamaica Blue Mountain Blend:
Tasting Notes: Apricots, Berries, Bergamot, Floral, Whisky
Acidity: Medium Low
Body: Medium
Jamaica Blue Mountain 100%:
Tasting Notes: Apricots, Chocolatey, Nutty, Floral
Acidity: Medium Low
Body: Medium
Jamaica Blue Mountain Blend (Microlot):
Tasting Notes: Pineapple, Berries, Stewed Prune, Vanilla, Floral, Slightly Winey
Acidity: Medium
Body: Medium
Jamaica Blue Mountain 100% (Microlot):
Tasting Notes: Dried Pineapple, Apricot, Honeysuckle, Nutty, Clean Rounded Aftertaste
Acidity: Medium
Body: Medium-High
Kopi Luwak:
Tasting Notes: Cherry, Blackcurrant, Fig, Vanilla, Chocolate, Wine
Acidity: Medium Low
Body: Bold
Tasting Notes: Jasmine, Lime Leave, Kumquat, Vanilla, Berries, Whisky
Acidity: Medium
Body: Medium
Tasting Notes: Apricots, Berries, Blackcurrants, Cedars, Vanilla, Dark Chocolate, Wine
Acidity: Medium
Body: Medium
Tasting Notes: Nutty, Berries, Wine
Acidity: Low
Body: Medium
Mocha Java:
Tasting Notes: Nutty, Berries, Dark Chocolate, Slightly Winey
Acidity: Medium-Low
Body: Medium
Northern Espresso:
Tasting Notes: Blueberries, Bergamot, Vanilla, Whiskey
Acidity: Medium
Body: Medium
Colombian Dark:
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Smoked Cacao Nibs, Whiskey
Acidity: Low
Body: Medium-High
Cafe Do Salvador:
Tasting Notes: Caramel, Nutty, Raisins, Winey
Acidity: Medium
Body: Medium
Nanyang Ground Coffee:
Tasting Notes: Cherry, Blackcurrant, Fig, Vanilla, Chocolate, Wine
Acidity: Low
Body: Bold

Let us imagine for a moment, when opportunity opens for a coffee village to transition from selling their harvest - the coffee fruits (cherry) - with no value added, and become professional producer of delicious 86+ scoring green coffee the net zero way. These are the potential upsides for the entire village:
Coffee Income: Increase by two or three-fold compare to that of cherry selling village.
Seasonal Employment: Create 10-15 new jobs right in the village every cropping seasons.
Roast & Drink Coffee: Farmers gain & exchange coffee knowledge with visitors.
Community Health & Development: Partner with PNG Christian Health Services to facilitate community health and socioeconomic development to include every stakeholder in collectively achieving equitable betterment.
Cooking Classes: Where farmers exchange skills to build up community health through nutritional meal preparation.
Technical Transfers and Capacity Building: We provide technical know-how and capacity-building support to farmers, helping them produce coffee with a cupping score of 86+ and thereby doubling their income. This knowledge transfer enhances the quality of green coffee production.
Equitable & Inclusive Socioeconomic Betterment: We prioritise community preparedness training to ensure equitable and inclusive socioeconomic improvement. This training empowers communities to actively participate in the coffee industry and benefit from it.
Youth Employment and Training: We engage and train youth, both women and men, in various skills such as welding, equipment fabrication, coffee processing, and coffee roasting/packaging. This not only provides employment opportunities but also builds skills and expertise within the community.
Other Community-Level Interventions: In addition to the above, we implement various programs at the community level to support farmers and promote sustainable practices. For example, we partner with PNG Christian Health Services to facilitate community health and socioeconomic development to include every stakeholder in collectively achieving equitable betterment.
Successful Programs Implemented:
Jiwaka Coffee Limited (PNG): Through Proceso Puro Circular Process, Jiwaka Coffee Limited in Papua New Guinea has been able to produce some of the best-tasting coffee in the highlands of PNG. This success story highlights the positive impact of our approach.
World Bank-Funded PACD: The World Bank-funded Agriculture Commercialisation & Diversification (PACD) project in PNG is considering the implementation of Proceso Puro Circular Process for selected villages, cooperatives, and block holders. This recognition underscores the effectiveness and potential scalability of our circular coffee production model.
Carbon and biodiversity footprints: Our approach to reducing carbon emissions goes beyond simply cutting down on fossil fuel use. We use biochar, which acts as a carbon sink, we prioritise shade-grown coffee, a practice that protects biodiversity by preserving natural forest canopies, and we employ water efficient practices.

Circular Coffee Consumptions
A single serving of Espresso emits 35g to 50g of CO2 and costing approximately HKD0.18 in energy. For commercial coffee productions at your F&B outlets, the circular brew option can save thousands in energy and reduce tons of CO2 emissions. The following table compares brew options showing the relevant saving. The circular brew option is designed to produce consistent above par coffee drinks, with a ten-fold reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Please WhatsApp us at 90995995 or sam@bolavenfarms.com to explore.
Brew Option | Annual Energy Use (kWh) | CO2 Emissions (Tons) | Annual Energy (HKD) | Annual Savings (HKD) |
La Marzocco 2-groups * | 26,000 | 9.5 | 37,000 | 0 |
Franke A600 ** | 18,000 | 6.5 | 25,000 | 12,000 |
Circular Brew *** | 1,800 | 0.7 | 2,500 | 22,500 ** - 34,500 * |
Annual Energy Cost calculated using CLP's 2025 average net tariff of HKD1.443 per kWh.
CO2 Emissions calculated using CLP's emission factor of 0.37 kg CO2/kWh.
Operating 16-hrs 365 days (Annual Energy Use *26,000kWh **18,000kWh ***1,800kWh)

Circular Coffee Productions
Making coffee delicious the net zero way is our mandate. We design & fabricate the Mini Wet Mills & Mini Dry Mills to dovetail the mandate of circular productions. We specialise in producing anaerobic naturals and honeys. Our coffee processing expertise has been meticulously developed in-house over the years. We've honed our skills to ensure the production of delicious coffee the net zero way.
Circular Economy in Coffee the Proceso Puro Way
The Ellen Macarthur Foundation defines a circular economy as a model with mandates
to eliminate waste/pollutant whenever possible, otherwise reuse/recycle/repurpose
waste and to regenerate nature.
Circular economy is unfolding in many different sectors, and we are doing our share in coffee.
We engage farmers to take ownership of circularity and enjoy better household economics.
We are compelled to nurture a circular economy in coffee and go the extra mile to become net-zero. The upside potential for circular economy is undeniable. When properly designed, when executed and monitored, The circular model is proving to be beneficial for better cup quality, improved household economics for farmers and restoring the ecosystems at origin.
The Coffee Sector – From ‘Emitter’ to ‘Sequester’
According to sustainability researcher Gunter Pauli, the coffee sector accounts for more than 25 million tons of organic and inorganic waste every year. Our circular coffee production system --- Proceso Puro --- has been trialed and tested and is ready for duplication in coffee villages.
We serve as the facilitator amongst farmers to drive systemic change, transitioning a coffee village from cherry sellers and step up as producers of delicious circular green coffee for the global Specialty market.
Turnkey solutions is designed to assure high success rate of transition, integrating Mini Wet Mills and Mini Dry Mills, circular production protocols, and a robust capacity-building framework. The desired endgame is the healthy restoration of the ecosystems, coffee GDP of the village to increase by two to three-fold, and the rising of coffee professionals who are going the circular mile.
Key Offerings:
Mini Mills
Our mills are compact, minimal water usage, user friendly and easily maintained, most suitable for off-grip village operation.
Dry Fermentation
High organic loaded wastewater are avoided entirely.
Heat Exchange Dryers
Tunnel dryers with biochar heat exchangers to dry coffee, rain or shine.
Waste Upcycling
Organic by-products at site are up-cycled for Black Soldier Fly cultivation and biochar productions.
Capacity Building Commitment
A coffee village does not need to transition all alone, our team is committed to the vital continous technical transfer to ensure high rate of successful transition.
Community Betterment
Coffee villages we work with are with mandates to promote gender equility, youth engagement and inclusive open-book decision and operation.
Monitoring & Support
The minimum three-year commitment for on-going technical transfer and capacity building are part and parcel of the turnkey solutions. Development milestone tracking of imapct covering village socioeconomics and the environemnt and community health.
Market Access & Brand Differentiator
Participating villages can access the global market featuring the Proceso Puro Circular Coffee brand, with the respective village named for direct relationship with roasters and importers.
Sustainable Agricultural Practices
Implementing regenerative agricultural practices is crucial for a successful circular economy in coffee. These practices not only improve soil health but also enhance biodiversity. The Global Center for Circular Economy in Coffee (C4CEC) promotes these principles, aiming to facilitate collaboration among stakeholders to address challenges such as deforestation and climate change, which significantly impact coffee production.
Why Choose Us?
Our turnkey solutions are deisgned to transition coffee villages from cherry sellers to professional producers of circular export graded coffee. A successul village can unlock the full potential of the village economy, create lasting impact and contribute to a more sustainable coffee stakeholders.
Why We Prioritise a Circular Economy
Our commitment to the circular economy stems from a desire to pursue business success with a purer production model. While the water and carbon footprint in coffee cultivation are beyond our control, we focus on enhancing post-harvest handling to minimise environmental impact.
Traditional coffee processing generates highly polluted wastewater, posing a risk to soil and watersheds. We've adopted dry fermentation, both aerobic and anaerobic, to produce consistently delicious coffee. We've designed processes to eliminate wastewater and most solid waste, while incorporating biochar and wood gas production to offset unavoidable GHG emissions.
We invite you to visit us in Lao and Papua New Guinea, where you can meet farmers and witness our circular practices firsthand.
How Biochar contributes to circular economy
Summary: Biochar production is crucial at our circular system: coffee waste (husk) fuels biochar production providing hot air for coffee drying, coffee roasting and sequester waste for high-permanence carbon removal. Biochar is distributed to participating small growers to amend soil, increase yields and strengthen overall resiliency.
1. Improved Soil Structure
Biochar increases soil porosity, enhances aeration and water infiltration. This improved structure helps maintain optimal moisture levels, crucial for coffee bushes. Research indicates that biochar can reduce bulk density and increase stable aggregates in the soil, leading to better root development and healthier plant growth.
2. Nutrient Retention and Availability
Biochar has a high cation exchange capacity (CEC), which allows it to retain essential nutrients such as N/P/K and minerals. This property reduces nutrient leaching and makes these nutrients more available to coffee bushes. Studies have shown that biochar increases soil pH and organic matters, further enhancing nutrient availability and improving overall soil fertility.
3. Reduction of Soil Acidity
Coffee bushes thrive in slightly acidic soils, but excessive acidity can hinder nutrient uptake. Biochar can help moderate soil pH levels, making it less acidic and creating a more favorable environment for coffee bushes.
4. Enhanced Microbial Activity
The nano porous structure of biochar provides a habitat for beneficial soil microorganisms. Increased microbial activity contributes to improved soil health by enhancing organic decomposition and nutrient cycling.
5. Carbon Sequestration
The application of biochar in coffee farms is carbon sequestration, as it is a stable form of carbon that can remain in the soil for centuries. When waste is not sequestered, they decompose overtime and emit GHG.
6. Waste Management
Biochar production is effective organic waste management. The risk of environmental pollution is removed, waste is transformed into a valuable resource that enhances soil health, sustaining a thriving coffee garden.
How Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) help the circular coffee economy
In the circular coffee economy, BSFL offers a multifaceted solution for upcycling organic waste, and a workable solution to alleviate hunger during the lean months. By leveraging these mighty 24/7 munchers, farmers can grow nutritional feed for poultry and fish as well as frass (excretion) to enrich their vegetable gardens.
Organic Waste Upcycling: Coffee production generates substantial organic waste such as coffee pulp and husks. Deploying BSF larvae to munch 24/7 can significantly reduce the volume of waste. The larvae consume the organic waste, converting it into a nutrient-rich frass and nutritional feed. (We settled for the ratio of 25-30% pulp with other kitchen waste for optimal larvae growth)
Nutrient Recycling: BSFL is a high-fat, high-protein feed for aquaculture & livestock, contributing to a circular economy by recycling nutrients in a closed-loop system.
Sustainable Practices: By converting waste into feed, farmers can minimise environmental footprint while raising quality protein for their households & extra income.
Proceso Puro Circular Coffee
We align our coffee processes to a working circular economy model. We have developed and trademarked the Proceso Puro Circular Coffee process, which involves dry fermentation and ensures high-quality, consistent coffee production. This process aligns with our vision to enable every coffee village and cooperative to produce delicious, high-scoring (86+) circular green coffee. By shifting from selling coffee cherries to selling high-quality green coffee, these villages and co-operatives could potentially double their income.
Our focus is not only on environmental sustainability but also on socio-economic betterment. We aim to transform the lives of coffee farmers, who are often among the poorest, by empowering them to add value to their produce and improve their livelihoods.
Proceso Puro - Bringing circular production to the communities who need it
We knew that other places could also benefit from our approach to farming and the environment – fit for the community and the geographical conditions – rather than for profit at all costs. We trademarked the process as Proceso Puro Circular Coffee, and started taking this process where it was needed. We have expanded consulting offerings, starting with the highlands in Papua New Guinea, where it was very hard to find skilled professionals.
We focus on taking their circular production know-how to different communities around the world who may see a need to
implement it.
Our approach is:
People First
Land And Environment Next
Profit After
Our processing solutions are bespoke and based uniquely on the place and the people. Often, in rural areas, it’s easier and less intimidating to use smaller (mills).
The bespoke approach works well because Bolaven Farms follows the local culture. In PNG, we partner with Christian Health Services, who know the culture well and work with the community to prepare it for partnership. Everyone in the community is involved – from the widow to the elderly figure. When it comes to paying for it, the villagers pay for the mill themselves through community loans and seed funding because microfinancing entails high admin costs, so loans as a community are more feasible. This all works towards building up the local farming community, so they become coffee professionals themselves.
We offer community training and health training for farmers, such as financial/money management training, nutrition and hygiene knowledge.
Proceso Puro in Action – Papua New Guinea case study
To kick-start the Proceso Puro in a typical coffee village or cooperative, a baseline survey is conducted to assess cherry production and the community's readiness to manage a mill. The introduction of a decentralised processing system with a mini wet mill can create significant employment opportunities, particularly for youth and women, who are given priority due to their limited ability to travel for work.
Our first consulting client, Emma, had a pulp mill, but couldn’t get a mechanic to get it working. The remoteness of the location needed a bespoke approach – in this case scaling down to smaller mills that can be easily operated without specialised expertise, and pose no risk of downtime.
The result: Emma’s farm can now produce graded coffee and double their income.

Visit Bolaven Farms
Today, a visit to Bolaven Farms’ K22 at the foothill of the Bolaven Plateau offers a plethora of activities, all burrowing a little from Sam’s stopovers around the world. From an one-of-a-kind biochar gasifier fired pizza oven made of recycled steel - bakes those pizzas at 400 degrees in 90 seconds flat - to the experiential encounter with all things specialty coffee the net zero way. It’s a complete experience.
Our vision is to cater a meaningful ‘school without walls’ for high school and university students to experience the circular coffee production model at work. In this way, we hope to instill young people with awareness and advocacy for the circular economy in their generation.
We may also promote and organise coffee origin trips from Hong Kong and other cities, but while facilities to support experiential tourism at Bolaven Farms are 80% complete. And we need to planon training our team to make sure they are ready to offer outstanding hospitality to our visitors.

Get in Touch
Join our circular coffee transition.
Tel / WhatsApp / WeChat : +852 90995995